Sunday, March 11, 2012

hey guys . . .

i know i haven't posted in a while, and im sorry.  To be honest, i kind of forgot too.
As you may know, my birthday was on friday, and it was awesome. Thanks to those who facebooked me, texted or even called me!
So for my birthday, i went to the movies with my friends. (we saw The Lorax) and then they slept over. so  much fun.
Early on saturday, we left to go to marion for petes Destination Imagination competition. which was an hour away. and being at the competition was about my whole day.
we got home at around 11. and i was really tired, but i couldn't seem to fall asleep. it was very distressful.
and on today i watched the buckeye game. ruined my day.
ehh, OH! and dont forget to set you're clocks or whatever. (an hour ahead)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Just another dentist visit . . .

our trip begins with getting up at 6AM, leaving at 6:20, (looking SMASHING, by the way) and driving for two hours to get to toledo.
now, you're probably wondering,
'why is she driving for two hours for a stupid dentist appointment?'
well, the answer is this. My uncle is my dentist , and my aunt is my orthodontist. (yes, they are married.)
So we get this big discount on our braces and such.
we get to the office at like 9, our appointment at 9:30.
I got in the dentist chair at around 11:30.
what did i do in the 2 hour gap?
absolutely nothing. i watched my sister get her top braces off, but that was about it. I fell asleep like, twice in the waiting room, and I only had my ipod to keep me company.
as if it couldent get any worse, i didnt even have my headphones. so i could only pplaay the crappy games on my ipod.
well, at the end I got a frosty, so not all bad.

Monday, February 20, 2012


okay, I am just now realizing that I said I had a tumblr in another post, but never gave you my url...
so if youhave a tumblr, just go to the little search bar where you can search people and type in
no caps, no punctuation, its very simple.
follow meee:)
actually im serious.
I have approximately 4 followers. (like a boss right?)

Getting Better:D

For the all 3 of you that actually care, I am getting better. im on antibiotics, and more ice water:)
so today is just another chill day, (not that the last two were that chill... they actually kind of sucked.)
I might do some homework, tv, whatevs.
hope you have a nice day:)

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Okay, this freaking sucks.
you cant really do anything until you get your antibiotics, so your just at home, taking advil like its the
only thing keeping you alive at the moment.
And your laying in bed, trying not to concentrate on how much it hurts to swallow.
so when you've taken all the advil you can handle, you just eat ice and drink cold water. and even
then, your throat is like, 'not today!' and it still hurts.
that was how my day was like, all day friday and saturday.
then my dad finally thought, oookay lets go to the doctor...
so im on antibiotics now, not that you want to know or anything, but hey, if you didnt want to know
about all the stupid things going on in my life, why are you here?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Best feeling ever.

Its when your sister uploads songs on her ipod, and the songs automatically come to yours:)
Saves me a TON of effort.
And i dont do 'effort'.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

okaayyy . . . It's been a couple days people.

Oh goodness.
don't you just love it when a band, or just a song totally makes your day?
i don't know if this happens to anyone else but...
Me not making sense isn't actually normal here.
but you should know that by now...
Unless your new here. [shout out to Sarah here. :)]

Saturday, February 11, 2012

cleaning? no , more like treasure hunting :)

while i was cleaning my room, I found many things that i haven't seen in a while, and i decided that i would share them with you:)
- Change (in the piggy bank it goes...)
- book light
- My sperrys (that i lost over a year ago...)
- my kneepads (along with my bag, ribbons and a couple pairs of spandex...)
- Nintendo DS (i freaked out over that one)
- knitting book (dont ask..)
- Knitting needles, yarn and a little hooky thing.
- menchies gift card
- a bunch of earrings and jewelry
- duct tape:D
- lots of clothes that i never knew existed (probably abbys...)
- Those kid clip things where you plug in a little clip then it plays a little bit of  disney song:)
you probably have no idea what those are... oh well.


i love saturdays:)
because you dont have to do anything!
you dont have to do your homework, because you either finished it on friday, or you are going to
do it tomorrow, like the procrastinator that you are.
[thats what i do:)]
anyways, sorry that i havent blogged in a while...
the truth is, that i kind of forgot too..

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl:

(proper noun)
When people who never watch football act  like they love football.
[thats me]

Saturday, February 4, 2012


okay so i got one, and i will be doing twoish blogs.
sooo if you have a tumblr, you can follow me!

blogging isn't my forte.

okay, well i suck at blogging at any solid rate, because i dont want to blog about something no one cares about...
so i try to blog whenever i have  a good topic.
which, sorry for you, is almost never. :/
so this is to say that, hey, sorry that if my "content" is really... well, bad.

weellllllll i hope this makes up for it

Friday, February 3, 2012

super bowl!

Cant wait! I don't even know who is playing, but really, who cares? everyone
Just watches it for the commercials anyways...
and everyone knows it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The internet is a time thief !

Watch out. you could be next. there you are. just doing homework.
You think,
"I wonder if kate has updated her blog yet... its so amazing, i just cant wait!"
you sprint to your computer.
read the amazingness.
forget completely what you were originally doing,
and next thing you know, its midnight.
[NOTE: you are already a victim now.]

Sunday, January 29, 2012

homework time! haha. that's funny .

well, here I am again. on the internet. not doing what i'm supposed to be doing.
I still have some Spanish homework I need to finish, and i think algebra. I really don't know.
All I know is that I will probably be doing it sometime tomorrow.
its only 8. i have some time left right?
nah. I'll do it tomorrow.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Things I stole from Grouchy Rabbit :)

-Just sayin' (phrase) - I do not take any responsibility for the comment I just made.
-Paranoia (noun) - That feeling you get after answering "B" for the last five questions.
-Amusement (noun) - Watching your teacher spend 90% of the class time attempting to work the SmartBoard.
-Happiness (noun) - When you roll onto the warm spot your laptop left in your bed. See also: loneliness.
-Anticipation (noun) - 11:10.
-Math problems are the only place where someone can buy 60 watermelons and no one wonders why.
-No matter how good you are at something there is always an 8 year old Asian that is better.
-The Amish will never read this.
-The chances of you dying on the way to get your lottery tickets is greater than winning.
-Violence is never the answer. Unless the question is, "What is never the answer?"
-Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
To Do List
-Buy a parrot. Teach the parrot to say, "Help! I've been turned into a parrot!"
-Change Facebook name to "No One." Like people's statuses...
-Change iPod name to "Titanic." Download new songs. Be amused by the fact that the Titanic is syncing.
-Put sign on door that reads "Dumble."
-Wear shirt that says "Life." Hand out lemons on street corner.
-Buy four pigs. Paint 1, 2, 3, and 5 on each pig. Let them loose in a mall and watch security try to find number 4.
-Buy a turtle. Name it "The Speed of Light." Tell everyone that I can run faster than "The Speed of Light."

I love this movie :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Davis Pep Rallies . . .

okay, so after every sport season, Davis has a pep rally with the whole school in the gym.
and we do this little thing called the spirit cheer.
What it is, is the cheerleaders go do their cheer and each grade by themselves screams one
part of the cheer with them.
the loudest grade wins, obviously.
When the 6th graders go, its just a high pitched scream, and its so annoying.
7th graders, its really.... different.  the kids are just awkward.
8th grade... its like a low rumble. its so loud.
And we always win.
and everyone else is like
"it was rigged! it was rigged"
when in reality, it was. no matter what, 8th grade always wins.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

haven't blogged in a while . . .

Sooo I will talk about...
My favorite and least favorite colors.
Least favorite?
probably hot pink.
It has many stereotypes. like being girly and preppy, which I 100% agree with. it just annoys me.
My most favorite color iiiiissssss.....
I like this color because it is bright, (like me) Amazing, (also like me)  and lastly, just plain awesome.
(also like me! these are starting to run together....)
anyways, this was a pretty crappy blog... but who cares.
we all know you are going to be back for more funny:)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Don't do drugs.
Or your face will turn into a clock.

" Imperfection "

"imperfection is perfect for me"
"imperfection is what makes me perfect"

Okay first of all, just, just shut up please. No one really thinks thats okay to put on facebook.
Because Quite frankly, I don't think anyone really cares that much...
so please,
Do everybody a favor,
and just stop the madness.
for the children.
okay not really.
But you get the general gist of what I'm getting at right?
I'm glad.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stupid Cable Guy . . .

Okay, so This guy called my mom, (on her cell phone) and said,
"this is Time Warner. give me your credit card number, you're over due on your payments, I you don't, i will shut off your cable."
(a little hostile, don't you think?)
So my mom said that she wouldn't give him her credit card number, (very smart) But she would call Time Warner just to make sure that he wasn't some scam artist.
She called, and then she fixed everything.
 ( Kind of odd that the first time that they told us that the bank account wasn't working, was by a stupid, Sketchy phone call from a grumpy guy.ESPECIALLY since they were here just last week fixing the cable... losers.)
When she went too pick up Pete from school, this very threatening dude was just strutting around like he owns the place.
(he doesn't. we do. silly person.)
Anyways he stated that he was the guy who called a while ago and he went into our backyard.
That's when my mother called the police, because she had no idea what was going on.
(very smart, once again.)
 The policeman and the bad guy talked and then he went away.
And that is why we only have 14 channels.
I was watching 'Dino Squad', 'Whaddayado?', 'Huckle world', 'Teen News', and something about the oceans.
Its terrible.
we need a new cable system...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bible Study!

Okay, so I have bible study tonight, and I love it so much.
when we get there, We play  with a soccer ball for like 5 minutes, or however long we want, then we go to a little room to have bible study.
The guys who have bible study as us play games for a lot longer, but i have no idea what else they do. The only thing I can hear is the high pitched screams and yells.
one of them.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Procrastinating !

Well, I should be doing algebra, but alas, I am not.
I know how to do everything, But Mr. Neace [Algebra teacher] Decides that he wants everybody to do 5000 problems of doing the same exact thing.
It's... an outrage.
load-o el Crap-o.
Well I can see I'm starting to ramble... so to keep from getting boring, I'll just stop now for your own sake

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My alarm clock ruins them.
It sucks.
It always just wakes me up [sometimes] by going
And so I hit the alarm button,
"but hey its the  morning!" thinks my alarm clock, "Lets just make it impossible to turn off!"
So there I am, half asleep, trying to turn off the stupid thing, and everybody is yelling at me because its annoying them.
'You know what?!? YOU try and turn it off. see how that ends.'
[those are my thoughts]
As a last resort, i just stuff a pillow on top of it, nearly silencing it, Then I  wake up an hour later, Running an hour late.
A day in the life. More like just a morning.
After school, I get to come home to a kitchen that Only my mother and I care about.
It being clean that is.
So I clean it, then again 3 hours later.
In between that time frame, I do Homework, or TV, laptop ect. I have to deal with my brother, My sisters antics, and my dad who thinks hes the funniest man in the world....
basically, that would be a normal day, and I haven't even scratched the surface of my school day...
don't get me started...

Being Broke :(

Let me get this straight, I'm not talking about LITERALLY  having no money. I'm taking 'teenager broke'.
 That is when the money in your wallet is dwindling or Just completely gone, but you know you have money somewhere else. [bank, room, couch cushions, safe... you get the point.]
I have experienced this all to often.
I hate it.

This Is A Little Too True For Me . . .

Haven't posted a picture in a while... :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Redheads . . .

Not hating, not making fun of gingers or whatever, but I just wanted to say red hair annoys me...
Now, don't think  hate the PEOPLE with red hair, because I don't, the color just looks weird on some people...whatever, this can get pretty bad, pretty fast.
So to be safe,
 I'll just stop right here...


Another stupid word!
fun to say, but still stupid.
For those of you who haven't googled that word just now, It is the little foot rest that you put your feet on. [a little redundant, I know] Here Are some photos...
For my whole life I wave been wondering how to spell it, [now I know] and what would possess anyone to name it that.
Unfortunately, I do not have a little back story for this, and I will remain clueless my entire life, on why it was named that.
But if I gained anything from this, it would probably be the fact that it starts with an 'otto' and not 'auto'

Downton Abbey

this is the weirdest show i think i have possibly ever seen. I tried to watch one episode, and I got a headache later because I ca only take so much British accent in one sitting.
I am probably confusing you, so I, [[Being the kid soul that I am]] Will explain it to you.
So basically, there is this castle which is the home to all the kings, queens, and such. From what I can tell, there are many plots between characters, each with their own problem. but there is no really over all plot there.
They sort of focus on the servants of the castle, like the cooks, maids ect.
I have only seen one episode, So if i have the entire thing wrong, please tell me.[although, 99% of you have never seen the show before...]
My opinion?
Its a weird show.

Lord , I'm Bored . hey that rhymed . . .

3:02 in the morning. personal achievement right here.
of course,It makes it easier when you have T.V. , a laptop, and music.. [Hollywood Undead, by the way :) ]
but that is beside the point. Also. some pretty creepy shows are on this time of morning. I'm not sure what exactly, but i think that I am watching a cancelled kid show about weird bears... this episode is called
 "family bath day".
I now see why It was cancelled. You can't un-see that.
Father bear and brother bear taking a bath together? gross.
annndd its over. that was seriously 7 minutes long. That was a complete waste of time.
Not that i had anything better to do...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Some Commercials...

Stop showing them all the time! they suck! and the sad part is, that you purposely make them annoying, just so people remember the product. Stop it. everyone hates you. Please.

Scary Movies

I hate them so much. I watched one of the Chucky movies when I was in kindergarten, and I had nightmares for around 2 years after... And I still don't like to stay home alone at night. The movies just don't make any sense to make! People say they like the rush or whatever, but what happens after the movie ends? you're scared out of your mind, and you never want to go anywhere alone ever again. Correct me if i'm wrong, [which I am most certainly not, and you know it]  but Being scared for the rest of my life really isn't ideal.
oh well. they are just going to keep making those terrible movies, and i'm just going to learn how to live with it.

Writing Block...

Well, seeing that I cant think of something to write about, I will write about what I lack.
A topic.
Thinking of topics that can be expanded off of, and be funny, requires a mindset that I [sadly] don't have. That is why I try to find things to write about on other websites, with questions and topics that are basically impossible to expand off of. [except the toy one, that was funny.] 
Anyways, I am trying to make this post go as far as it can, and its just not happening.
To keep this from getting awkward and weird, i'll just post a link of Slim Shady for ya.
You're welcome.

Oh, God , You Shouldn't Have:)


you know, I really like don't like the word "blog". But here I am, just blogging away.  I have always hated the word, mostly because B and L should never be next to each other in a word. It's almost like you can't say it fast enough. Literally. Try saying "blog" slowly.
It either comes out bl-og
So whoever made up this stupid word, seriously needs to get a grip, and to make another word for it. Maybe you can call it, oh, I don't know, something like WRITING? You can just say, "oh, I'm going to write on my website!" Instead of sounding like an idiot and saying that stupid word.
Anyways, that's only one of he words that I hate saying, and you're lucky I wont go on about them.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

This is for Jade!

Okay, nothing to write about so Jade suggested that I write about what i draw on her paper in art class. Not very creative, but oh well.  Anyways, some things that i have drawn include...
-Edward Scissorhands
-The Giving Tree
-Some flower person
-The final copy of her Portrait
-Me playing volleyball
-The scream
-Many more that are failing to come to mind...
Anyways, your welcome Jade:)

What If Toys Could Talk?

I was looking for something to blog about, and i came across THIS little question.
You might be thinking that I would be all:
 "I would be their BEST friend, and i wouldn't tell  anyone because it would my little secret!"
Okay, first of all, no. 
Second, can I just say that would probably be the creepiest thing ever? Its just messed up. Some toys, you just don't want to know what's on their mind. Looking at them is creepy enough. 
Third, if toys could talk, do you think that they could persuade you to buy them at the store? Because if I was a toy and could talk, I wouldn't want to just mope around my whole toy life! would you?
Fourth, does walking around get included in the whole talking deal? I feel like the toys would be completely useless if they can talk but not walk. they would just be moaning and complaining ALL the time about what they could do if they only had the ability. 
Fifth, Can the toys make conscious decisions? If so, (and this is assuming they can walk) they could very well take over the earth.
So, overview. Basically, Toys should never be able to think with a brain, or be able to
ever. If that development was made,we all know they would take over the earth.

Music, as promised;)

As you can see to the left, I said I would post music, which I have lacked to do yet.
So, here is a song by one of my  not-so-favorite artists, Rihanna,, BUT  its one of my favorite songs... so that's where I'm at.

Not Racism,

Just some freshly squeezed Jews. 
[nothing you can't handle.]

Lucky You!

okay, well, everything is settled, so here is some more funny:)

Punny stuff guys.