Saturday, January 14, 2012

What If Toys Could Talk?

I was looking for something to blog about, and i came across THIS little question.
You might be thinking that I would be all:
 "I would be their BEST friend, and i wouldn't tell  anyone because it would my little secret!"
Okay, first of all, no. 
Second, can I just say that would probably be the creepiest thing ever? Its just messed up. Some toys, you just don't want to know what's on their mind. Looking at them is creepy enough. 
Third, if toys could talk, do you think that they could persuade you to buy them at the store? Because if I was a toy and could talk, I wouldn't want to just mope around my whole toy life! would you?
Fourth, does walking around get included in the whole talking deal? I feel like the toys would be completely useless if they can talk but not walk. they would just be moaning and complaining ALL the time about what they could do if they only had the ability. 
Fifth, Can the toys make conscious decisions? If so, (and this is assuming they can walk) they could very well take over the earth.
So, overview. Basically, Toys should never be able to think with a brain, or be able to
ever. If that development was made,we all know they would take over the earth.

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