Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stupid Cable Guy . . .

Okay, so This guy called my mom, (on her cell phone) and said,
"this is Time Warner. give me your credit card number, you're over due on your payments, I you don't, i will shut off your cable."
(a little hostile, don't you think?)
So my mom said that she wouldn't give him her credit card number, (very smart) But she would call Time Warner just to make sure that he wasn't some scam artist.
She called, and then she fixed everything.
 ( Kind of odd that the first time that they told us that the bank account wasn't working, was by a stupid, Sketchy phone call from a grumpy guy.ESPECIALLY since they were here just last week fixing the cable... losers.)
When she went too pick up Pete from school, this very threatening dude was just strutting around like he owns the place.
(he doesn't. we do. silly person.)
Anyways he stated that he was the guy who called a while ago and he went into our backyard.
That's when my mother called the police, because she had no idea what was going on.
(very smart, once again.)
 The policeman and the bad guy talked and then he went away.
And that is why we only have 14 channels.
I was watching 'Dino Squad', 'Whaddayado?', 'Huckle world', 'Teen News', and something about the oceans.
Its terrible.
we need a new cable system...

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