Sunday, March 11, 2012

hey guys . . .

i know i haven't posted in a while, and im sorry.  To be honest, i kind of forgot too.
As you may know, my birthday was on friday, and it was awesome. Thanks to those who facebooked me, texted or even called me!
So for my birthday, i went to the movies with my friends. (we saw The Lorax) and then they slept over. so  much fun.
Early on saturday, we left to go to marion for petes Destination Imagination competition. which was an hour away. and being at the competition was about my whole day.
we got home at around 11. and i was really tired, but i couldn't seem to fall asleep. it was very distressful.
and on today i watched the buckeye game. ruined my day.
ehh, OH! and dont forget to set you're clocks or whatever. (an hour ahead)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Just another dentist visit . . .

our trip begins with getting up at 6AM, leaving at 6:20, (looking SMASHING, by the way) and driving for two hours to get to toledo.
now, you're probably wondering,
'why is she driving for two hours for a stupid dentist appointment?'
well, the answer is this. My uncle is my dentist , and my aunt is my orthodontist. (yes, they are married.)
So we get this big discount on our braces and such.
we get to the office at like 9, our appointment at 9:30.
I got in the dentist chair at around 11:30.
what did i do in the 2 hour gap?
absolutely nothing. i watched my sister get her top braces off, but that was about it. I fell asleep like, twice in the waiting room, and I only had my ipod to keep me company.
as if it couldent get any worse, i didnt even have my headphones. so i could only pplaay the crappy games on my ipod.
well, at the end I got a frosty, so not all bad.

Monday, February 20, 2012


okay, I am just now realizing that I said I had a tumblr in another post, but never gave you my url...
so if youhave a tumblr, just go to the little search bar where you can search people and type in
no caps, no punctuation, its very simple.
follow meee:)
actually im serious.
I have approximately 4 followers. (like a boss right?)

Getting Better:D

For the all 3 of you that actually care, I am getting better. im on antibiotics, and more ice water:)
so today is just another chill day, (not that the last two were that chill... they actually kind of sucked.)
I might do some homework, tv, whatevs.
hope you have a nice day:)

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Okay, this freaking sucks.
you cant really do anything until you get your antibiotics, so your just at home, taking advil like its the
only thing keeping you alive at the moment.
And your laying in bed, trying not to concentrate on how much it hurts to swallow.
so when you've taken all the advil you can handle, you just eat ice and drink cold water. and even
then, your throat is like, 'not today!' and it still hurts.
that was how my day was like, all day friday and saturday.
then my dad finally thought, oookay lets go to the doctor...
so im on antibiotics now, not that you want to know or anything, but hey, if you didnt want to know
about all the stupid things going on in my life, why are you here?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Best feeling ever.

Its when your sister uploads songs on her ipod, and the songs automatically come to yours:)
Saves me a TON of effort.
And i dont do 'effort'.